The Collection
Omnium Gatherum | om·ni·um-gath·er·um | plural omnium-gatherums | a miscellaneous collection (as of things or persons)

In order a find a new medium fro expressing my thoughts and ideas, I initiated a new collection based on mixed media collage format. This collection is a visual melange of abstract art and paper collage. I have added inks, acrylics and various combinations of media to create some new pieces. I was heavily inspired by themes in nature, childhood stories, botanical drawings and folk art.
These piece uses floral forms and fluid ink motifs to depict images of nature and other themes. There is an option to use these as a serving trays or organiser boxes. They have deep jewel tones and imbues a vibe of fluidity and a poetic quality. These abstract Functional Art pieces are created with mixed media collage “Omnium Gatherum Collection”.
This is a piece of art. Just like you wouldn’t scratch a painting, scrub it on purpose or try to bend it, use similar care with this piece. I used pine based MDF to make these. It is a eco friendly and sustainably sourced material.
These functional art objects can be used as everyday objects, but utmost care is to be taken considering their uniqueness. You should be able to clean it with a damp cloth easily/ Just make sure you don’t use soap or rough scrubbing on these for cleaning. The sealant coating of the painting is weather proof and resistant to UV radiation.
Proper care and maintenance will give it a long shelf life. Due to different settings of computer screens and mobile devices, the actual colors of the objects may slightly differ from those presented on my website.