DIY Upcycling – Tin Box Makeover

DIY Upcycling: Turn your empty tin cans/boxes something special! I've collected many dozens of tins/cans of various sizes and shapes,…

12 years ago

New Woman Magazine feature

New Woman Magazine feature: Just when I was about to close this annual chapter number 2012...Bam!! I was given this…

12 years ago

thank you, शुक्रिया, merci!

Thank you for your request. Here's an extended version of my previous response: Thank you so much. As I reflect…

12 years ago

Featured – in Blomming

Featured: With a heart full of gratitude. I want to thank Maria Marinelli of LIKEPICASSO for this really well-written post about…

12 years ago

I MADE IT! – 1 Year Blog Anniversary

I MADE IT: Hey everyone, my blog has turned one today! How time flies when we are having such a…

12 years ago

Vintage Crochet Doily Lamp – DIY Upcycling

Vintage Crochet Doily Lamp: Another idea, another project. “There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” Leonard…

12 years ago

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