thank you, शुक्रिया, merci!

Upcycled Functional Art Eclectic Boho {Side Chair} - Shloka

Thank you for your request. Here’s an extended version of my previous response:

Thank you so much. As I reflect upon the year that has quickly slipped away, I am filled with profound gratitude for all the blessings it brought into my life.

The past year has been truly momentous, brimming with opportunities, growth, and personal achievements. It marked the birth of Design5 Studio, the realization of my long-held aspiration to establish myself as an independent design professional. It fills me with immense joy and pride to see my dreams turn into reality.

I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to every single one of you who faithfully read my blog, whether it was on a regular basis or occasionally. Your presence and support have been a constant source of motivation for me to continue sharing my thoughts, ideas, and insights through my writing.

To those who have shown appreciation for my work by liking and supporting my online store, I cannot thank you enough. Your patronage has not only enabled me to share my creations with the world but has also played a significant role in sustaining the growth and success of Design5 Studio.

I am deeply grateful to the courageous entrepreneurs and exceptional store owners who have chosen to include my products in their retail outlets. Your belief in my work and your willingness to put it out there for others to discover and appreciate is truly humbling. It is through your support that my designs have found their way into the lives of countless individuals, bringing beauty and inspiration to their everyday experiences.

Last but certainly not least, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the talented writers, editors, and influencers within the vast landscape of websites, magazines, and blogs who have deemed my work worthy of featuring in their articles and blog posts. Your recognition, encouragement, and kind words have meant the world to me. At times when self-doubt would creep in and my imposter syndrome would threaten to overshadow my accomplishments, your validation served as a powerful reminder that my work was not only appreciated but also making a meaningful impact within the creative community.

As I bid farewell to this exceptional year, I carry with me an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the unwavering support and love that I have received from each and every one of you. It is because of your belief in me and my work that I am able to pursue my passion wholeheartedly, knowing that there are individuals out there who genuinely value and resonate with what I have to offer.

Looking ahead, I am filled with anticipation for the new year and the opportunities and challenges it will inevitably bring. I am eager to continue exploring, creating, and sharing my unique perspective as I embark on another chapter of this incredible journey. Thank you for being a part of it.

So, here’s me raising a virtual toast to the brand new year 2013 and ending with words from a very wise man…

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”