Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint – DIY

Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint: I was really fascinated with the Times of India’s print campaign of celebrating 175 years of news and reporting. The pictures and news clippings of various events that had happened over the time span of 175 years!! That’s simply wow!!

But it also got me thinking. So many of these events happened way before I was born. I was reading about most of these for the first time in these newspaper articles. This was a big deal!

I had to do something to preserve these images and prints. So this is what I thought of…

I have a small wooden space in my living area, which holds my father-in-law’s old HMV record player, another old Philips radio set and various LP Vinyl record albums of Hindi and Punjabi music, and I call it “the music box”. It was just too plain and boring for my taste, so I decided that it was time for an upgrade. This is what I did to create my own Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint.

Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint
Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint
Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint
Upcycled Furniture with newsprintUpcycled Furniture With Newsprint
Upcycled Furniture With Newsprint
Upcycled Furniture with newsprint

Let me know if you want me to do a DIY tutorial for this.

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