Vintage Crochet Doily Lamp: Another idea, another project.
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen, Selected Poems, 1956-1968

Vintage Crochet Doily Lamp: These crochet doilies were made by my mother {yes, the creativity runs in the family!} a long time ago. They used to be a part of my room decor but I hadn’t used them for some time now.
After finishing my previous project, I was left with a lampshade frame. But I couldn’t let it go to waste, could I?. So, while searching for a material to cover it, I found these doilies lying at the back of my linen closet.

They looked perfect for the “look” I had in mind for my lamp. I wrapped the doily around the frame and stitched it up with some nylon thread. Once it was secured, I added the electrical bits to it and voila!! Here it is. Shining brightly.
When lit up at night it throws some very beautiful patterns around the entire room. they look like little butterflies flying around on my walls.
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