I MADE IT! – 1 Year Blog Anniversary

I MADE IT: Hey everyone, my blog has turned one today! How time flies when we are having such a great time. I got goosebumps when I realized that it’s been a whole year since my very first blog post where a very hesitant me started off with a simple quote by my favorite guy, Michelangelo.

The ride so far has been pretty amazing…full of experiences and learnings. I got a chance to be around like-minded people, made so many new wonderful friends, got to talk about things I’m passionate about, getting hit by ideas that inspired me. I grew up a lot in this one year.

May I say it’s been quite an adventure. I never thought I would be this into blogging and will accomplish so much through it. So, today I want to use this occasion to give a shout-out to all you guys for being such fabulous companions along this journey.

I MADE IT! Thank you all for all those words of encouragement and appreciation, which you have been sending my way through your comments and emails. Might I also add that every single one of these has the power to MAKE MY DAY!!

I hope that you will continue reading the blog and I will continue sharing my private little corner of the web. Here’s to our wonderful times together!

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