Pour l’amour des couleurs – MY LATEST WORK

pour l'amour des couleurs

pour l’amour des couleurs – To me, being a creative person basically means having a brain that is so wired up all the time with concepts that apart from my freelance design jobs, I require a whole lot more to keep it engaged. I just can’t sit still. So, ventures like these keep popping up. I feel an imperative need to use colors to brighten up every corner my life.

pour l'amour des couleurs
handpainted glass bottle

pour l’amour des couleurs – From the deep jewel-like oranges of the marigold offered to Gods, the bright fiery & spicy reds adorning beautiful brides, the pure crisp whites of summer attires and cool bed linens, the yellowish sacredness of turmeric to the depth Krishna’s blue…the kaleidoscope of brilliant hues has a special place in my heart and my work.

DIY Inspiration

There’s a window in my house, that lets in the bright summery sunrays right into my living room. I’ve kept a few plants on the windowsill to make it a ‘pretty frame’…but as usual, that wasn’t enough! i needed more! So, the idea of having a brightly colored bottle with a nice green money plant (Botanical Name: Lunaria annua) seemed very apt.the sunlight falling on to the floor, passing through the red, yellow, green and blue glass turned into myriad dream-like patterns that intrigued a little me. I got all nostalgic.

There they are. All ready. Helping a tiny little plant grow, shining in the sunlight and giving me a share of my childhood memories every morning with every sunray.

upcycled glass bottle
reuse empty glass bottle

While I was working on these bottles, (yes! there were more than one, what if my friends/family have a sunny window too?) the pattern on the bottle reminded of some beautiful stained glass windows of my maternal grandparents home.

This house apparently was built in the early 1940s. That house is in a very rundown state now but the memories are intact.
So, what are your favorite childhood memories? and how do you relive them?
Do leave a comment below.

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