My upcycled artwork – I’ve been working hard, so hard that my knees actually hurt…with those long hours of sitting on the floor and doing the carpentry work. and the sanding. and the rubbing. And the primer coating. and more sanding. And it goes on an on…this is starting to look like a never-ending story.

But I’ve got to keep my patience here with my upcycled artwork. These things take time they said. To top it all i want perfection. But nature didn’t make wood perfect, that too recycled and reclaimed wood. These will need a lot more caring and loving to mould into the shape I need them to be. If only it would take a little less time. and now my back is killing me too. After all this preparation, these babies need to get into the painting mode. That will mean a few more days spent on this hard floor.
I’ve tried to some of obsessive eco-whimsical attitude into these creations of handmade, upcycled and wooden products. They will soon be styled by decoupage craft. Oh! that reminds me, I still need to finish the designs for some of these trays here! hmm!
Well, I asked for it. Trust me, being a perfectionist isn’t an easy job!
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