MY NEWST WORK – My First Ever Exhibition


My Work: I still recall my first stage presentation in school. I almost had a heart attack up there. My frazzled nerves made me mess up the very first step. After so many years I felt the same way again. There were butterflies fluttering in my stomach, anticipation rising within my chest, warring with my nerves in such a way that I almost felt out of control.

I recently got an opportunity to debut Design5 Studio and my upcycled functional art at the first Nukkad Mandi exhibition, right here in my city. But the soaring temperatures and high humidity levels were adversely affecting my enthusiasm.


Once I reached the venue, I observed the stalls around me. They were so prepared! I felt like a complete amateur. I had no clue how to set up my stall. How to display my work in the ‘perfect’ manner? I had even forgotten my studio banner.

To top it all, the merciless summer sun was adding to my misery. It was shining straight on my stall. My worry was that most of my handmade upcycled products are made of rejected or repurposed wood pieces. They have been styled by decoupage craft. The heat could make the paint and lacquer stick and ruin the finish. In those few seconds, a million bad thoughts ran through my mind.

I was wondering…”Why is this happening to me?”


But then a ray of light shined right on to my face, through the gaps in the overhead covers. Its bright beam was echoing the sun at midday.

My question had been answered. “God is keeping me in the spotlight” 🙂 I took a deep breath; smiled and let go of all my fears…everything’s going to be allright. And it did. I had the most wonderful time. Interacted with such a diverse gathering!

I received some fabulous reactions about my work. Everyone appreciated my ideas. And I made a few sales too! This was the perfect kick-start I needed. Nukkad Mandi gave me an opportunity to be in the company of some very like-minded people and I felt right at home. I belonged there. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this newfound friendship. 

In the end, I felt the fulfillment that I suppose every artist, every creative mind feels after an outstanding performance. I was standing proud & tall in front of my audience, to take that bow…

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